Sutherland Dianella operates two Kiss and Drive areas. One is a staffed pick up and drop off point, and the other is a section of parking bays, followed by marked Kiss & Drive bays for parents to pull up and drop off or collect their children.

1 Howes Crescent - Parking
This is a parallel parking area for parents to park.
Please ensure you are only pulling up on or parking on the correct side of Howes Crescent, alongside the school.
2 Howes Crescent - Kiss & Drive
This area contains marked Kiss & Drive bays. They are not for parking or stopping except by school buses.
Parents are asked to please observe the NO PARKING times as per the regulatory traffic signage.
Please ensure you are only pulling up or parking on the correct side of Howes Crescent, alongside the school.
Students are not to be dropped off on verges on the opposite side of the road. It is extremely busy and hazardous during peak school drop off and pick up times, and not suitable for children to be crossing the road amongst traffic unattended.
Parents are asked to exit Howes Crescent by continuing with the flow of traffic and turning onto either Davina Street (left) or Belmaurice Street (right).
3 Sutherland Avenue - Staffed Kiss & Drive drive-thru
Staffed 8:15am – 8:40am and 3pm – 3:15pm (2:35pm - 2:50pm on early close Wednesday)
Please note the hours of operation – students are not to be dropped off outside of these times.
Parents are asked to drive forward to the first available bay, stay in their car and instruct children to exit the vehicle where staff in yellow vests will be waiting.
In the afternoon we recommend staggering your arrival from 3:05pm as students take time to get from their classrooms to the Kiss & Drive area.
If your child is not ready to be collected you will be asked to keep driving and come back around in the queue, in order to ensure the constant flow of traffic at peak times
Please see Downloads below for an instructional flyer and video demonstrating our staffed Kiss & Drive.
Kiss and Drive Information for Parents
Sutherland Avenue Kiss & Drive Instructional Video